There are many benefits to teaching your puppy to be well behaved at an early age. Young puppies are quite able to learn obedience skills, toileting behaviour and social boundaries. All of these things help make your relationship with your dog more rewarding for the years to come.
We outsource our puppy preschool to external trainers.
K9 Instinct which is run by Claire. Classes are run in our waiting room. Please contact her for further details on puppy preschool. Either by her Facebook page: K9Instinctau or email:
Dog Training For Everyone which is run by Jen. Classes are run weekly in our waiting room. Please contact her for further details on puppy preschool.
Phone number: 0473 166 136
Click on button below to go to her website for all the information.
Dog Training for Everyone Puppy Preschool Class covers the following:
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